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  • Grow Your Business with a Chamber Membership

    The Fort Saskatchewan & Lamont Regional Chamber of Commerce is proud to serve its members and local business community through its pillars of Advocacy, Business Development, Connections and Education.

    Join the Chamber today and select the membership package that makes the most sense for your business. Dues can be paid annually or in monthly payments.

  • Membership Tiers
  • Promote your Business

    When you join the Chamber, we ANNOUNCE YOUR MEMBERSHIP in the Chamber eNews, social media and at the next Members Meeting.

    You’ll receive a window decal and MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE to display in your place of business, along with a digital PROUD CHAMBER MEMBER logo to add to digital marketing and email signature.

    Enjoy a complimentary listing in the ONLINE DIRECTORY with links to your website and social media.

    Highlight YOUR NEWS AND EVENTS in the Chamber eNews, on the Chamber Events calendar and have your business featured on MEMBER MONDAY.

    If your business is just getting started, let us coordinate a RIBBON CUTTING and GRAND OPENING events for your business!

  • Professional Growth

    As a Chamber member, there are ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

    You’ll now be eligible to run for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, serve on the WOMEN IN BUSINESS Committee or the YOUNG ENTREPRENUERS AND PROFESSIONALS Group.

    Grow your NETWORK and BUSINESS REFERRALS by attending our monthly luncheons, or other signature events.


    Stay connected to government and work with our policy team to ADVOCATE FOR YOU at the local, provincial or federal level.

  • Enjoy Preferred Pricing

    All Chamber members enjoy exclusive discounts and preferred pricing across several platforms.

    20% DISCOUNT on booth fees for annual signature events – Farmers’ Market, Christmas Marketplace, Annual Trade Show and Sale.

    REDUCED RATES FOR FUEL,  MERCHANT SERVICE, INSURANCE, SHIPPING and OFFICE SUPPLIES at participating banks, insurance companies and fuel stations.  

    DIGITAL MARKETING SAVINGS through Constant Contact for email marketing and PREFERRED PRICING for GetintheLoop memberships.