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    April 25th-27th, 2025
    DOW Centennial Center, Fort Saskatchewan

    Friday, April 25th @ 4:30pm - 7:30pm
    Saturday, April 26th @ 10:00am - 4:00pm
    Sunday, April 27th @ 10:00am - 3:00pm

    Please fill in this application if you are an MBG business OR if you have previously attended our farmers' market!
    Business Information
    Please provide the following information:
    Please type it as you would like it to appear on our website and on social media
    First, Last
    Please confirm this is correct as this will be our main form of contacting you!
    Address Block - Canada
    Please include your information if you would like for us to include you in some of our social media promotions.
    Please include your information if you would like for us to include you in some of our social media promotions.
    Product Categories *
    Please select all of the items you are planning on selling at our market
    Please include ALL products to be exhibited and sold at the Farmers' Market. 2) Approved Vendors are only permitted to sell approved items listed on their Description of Goods to be Sold. Any changes or additions to products must be submitted and approved by the Chamber Market Manager in advance of the Market. Used or flea sale items are prohibited. 3) All food products must be properly labelled to include a list of ingredients and vendor contact information that must operate in compliance with ALL Alberta Health rules and regulations. 4) The Fort Saskatchewan & District Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market keeps records of product types while using a quota system as we accept vendors into the market which helps curate a balanced, diverse, and successful Market ensuring adequate market share to vendors. We do not offer exclusivity of any product. We endeavor to manage varying product competition through strategic placement.
    The Fort Saskatchewan Farmers' Market is an Accredited Alberta Sunny Girl Approved Farmers' Market. Which means the market must adhere to the 80/20 rule which requires a minimum of 80% of the Market to have vendors that have either made, baked or grown their products in Alberta. Vendors that meet this requirement will receive preference. The other 20% of Vendors can be made up of out-of-province vendors, resellers or vendors selling commercially available products. A limited number of commercial products will be accepted into the market and will depend on the current product mix at the discretion of the Market Manager.
    Booths and Bookings
    What is your prefered booth size? *
    Pricing for booths is as follows: 8' x 6' (Non-Member: $400 | Member 20% Discount: $320), 8'x 8' (Non-Member: $450 | Member 20% Discount: $360), 8' x 8' Corner (Non-Member: $550 | Member 20% Discount: $440) An early bird discount of $50 will be applied to all applications received before January 31st!
    Are you an current member of the Fort Saskatchewan & District Chamber of Commerce? *
    Chamber Members receive 20% off booth fees for the Farmers' Market, the Fort Saskatchewan Trade Show & Sale, and for Christmas Marketplace, in addition to having access to all of the education and business development opportunities available to Chamber members. If you would like more information about becoming a Chamber Member, please visit: https://www.fortsaskchamber.com/rates-and-packages or call us at 780-998-4355.
    Are you a returning vendor to the Fort Saskatchewan Farmers' Market? *